Leslie Fish’s filkbook (PDF)

Suggested Price: $15.00

PDF file of Leslie Fish’s personal filkbook, as a fundraiser to support the preservation of her unreleased music.



Ever wanted to just sit down and browse through Leslie Fish’s own, personal filkbook?

We’re happy to offer a PDF copy of about 550 pages of Leslie’s filkbook. Check out the comprehensive index of what you’ll find (created by Daniel Kelly).

By purchasing this book, you’ll raise funds to support future preservation efforts for Leslie’s countless unreleased songs. While Leslie may be best known for her filk albums of the 1980s, she’s written hundreds of songs that have never been recorded or preserved in any lasting way. We’d like to change that. With permission, we’ve also included Leslie’s copies of songs by several of her friends and collaborators.

The suggested price is $15. You can contribute more if you’d like, with no obligation to do so. 

As a reminder, this is not a professionally published or edited book. You will receive a PDF file containing a high-res scan of every page of Leslie’s personal filkbook we can legally make available. You’ll find everything from scribbled notes, handwritten song drafts, and final copies of songs.

Wondering what’s here? 


  • Some songs contain sheet music; many only contain lyrics. We can only provide what Leslie has provided.
  • You should expect omissions and gaps. Our intention is to update the book as we obtain additional song sheets from Leslie, and make these updates available to existing purchasers.
  • In general, we have omitted songs written by others, as well as some jointly authored songs. We may add some of these back at a future date.
  • While we have OCR’d the PDF, the accuracy is limited. If anyone is interested in volunteering your time/skill to upgrade the OCR quality, we are happy to work with you.


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